
Here you will find state and national tools, analyses and research related specifically to the Adoption provisions of the new Fostering Connections law. If you know of any resources that do not appear in our library, please send us an email at with the suggested resource, author and website URL for consideration.

Research & Reports

National Resources

Research & Reports

  • FY 2010 Adoption Incentive Awards, based on FY 2009 Earning Year
    On September 15, 2010, the Department of Health and Human Services awarded $39 million to 38 states and Puerto Rico for increasing adoptions from foster care. The recipients of these awards completed more adoptions in FY 2009 than in the 2007 baseline year. A list of states who received these funds is available on the Department's website.
  • Providing Federal Adoption Assistance to More Children with Special Needs: A Welcome Change
    This issue brief summarizes the following: the problems of the AFDC adoption assistance link; the new provision that removes the AFDC link; and what the child welfare community needs to do to take advantage of the law’s Maintenance of Effort provision (MoE), which requires states to continue their investments in child welfare services.
  • Adoption Incentive History 1998-2009
    Table presenting state-by-state receipt of adoption incentive awards from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, for each year from FY1998 through FY2009
  • In Focus: The Adoption Tax Credit
    This report provides an overview of the legislative history of the adoption tax credit and a detailed analysis of the tax credit with respect to existing law. The report also outlines key policy considerations and summarizes pending legislation to modify the tax credit.
  • Adoption USA: A Chartbook Based on the 2007 National Survey of Adoptive Parents
    Findings from the 2007 National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP), the first-ever representative survey on the characteristics, adoption experiences, and well-being of adopted children and their families in the U.S.
  • A Report to Congress on Barriers and Success Factors in Adoptions from Foster Care: Perspectives of Families and Staff
    Results from two adoption studies: (1) surveys/interviews of families seeking to adopt children with special needs from foster care, as well as private and public agency adoption professionals, regarding barriers in the adoption process (the "Barriers" study); and (2) an investigation of factors influencing successful adoptions (the "Success Factors" study)
  • Ending the Foster Care Life Sentence: The Critical Need for Adoption Subsidies
    Results of a survey of nearly 250 parents who have adopted (or are considering adopting) children from foster care,on their experiences, including factors influencing their decisions to adopt, the impact of the adoption subsidy on the adoption, and other challenges/barriers with the adoption process.
  • Federal Income Tax Benefits for Adoption Use by Taxpayers 1999-2005
    An overview of the use of the federal adoption tax credit between 1999 and 2005.
  • Title IV-E Claims and Adoption Assistance Payments
    History of the federal adoption assistance program, national statistics and trends regarding the use of Title IV-E adoption assistance payments, and state-by-state data on adoption assistance claiming and subsidy amounts.
  • The Value of Adoption
    Summary of a cost-benefit analysis of foster care adoption, focusing on adoption's private and societal impacts. Explores foster care adoption as an intervention, and its cognitive and educational, health and mental health, behavioral, and economic effects on individuals and society.
  • Understanding Adoption Subsidies: An Analysis of AFCARS Data
    Analysis of AFCARS data from 1999-2001, showing national trends and state differences in use of adoption subsidies; the relationship between states' subsidy use and adoption outcomes; and the relationship between child, family, and state characteristics and subsidy levels and usage.
  • National Indian Child Welfare Association's Information on Customary Adoption
  • A Carrot Among Sticks: The Adoption Incentive Bonus
    This report summarizes interviews with states and DC about what they are doing with their Adoption Incentive dollars, how they have responded/reacted to the Adoption Incentive program, and how they have reinvested these dollars.
  • Child Welfare Information Gateway: Fostering Connections Act
    Information about the Fostering Connections Act from the Child Welfare Information Gateway and the Administration for Children & Families
  • Adoption Tax Credit Brochure
    This brochure includes information about the adoption tax credit available through Fostering Connections.
  • The Story Project: Adoption
    Staff at spent time talking with state and county child welfare officials, and also with families served by child welfare systems, to document their stories of how the Fostering Connections Act has brought about positive change.
  • Child Welfare: The Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act (P.L. 112-34)
    On September 30, 2011, President Obama signed into law the Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act, H.R. 2883. This document is a summary of the law, by the Congressional Research Service.
  • The Story Project: Adoption #2
  • Federal Adoption Tax Credit Fact Sheet - 2011
    This fact sheet includes information about the adoption tax credit.
  • Federal Adoption Tax Credit
    The IRS has released the 2011 form needed to claim the Federal Adoption Tax Credit, Form 8839. The IRS has also updated the instructions that accompany form 8839. Notably, the IRS has created a table (pg. 4 of the instructions) detailing what documentation is needed when filing for the credit, based on the type of the adoption. The IRS is also committed to updating the website regularly with future developments on the credit, including legislation enacted.