Fostering Connections Resource Center

Here you will find tools, analyses and research related both specifically to the new Fostering Connections law, but also to the relevant topics contained in the law, such as kinship/guardianship, adoption, tribal issues, older youth, health and education. If you know of any resources available that do not appear in our library, please send us an email at with the suggested resource, author and website URL for consideration.

Tribal: Research & Reports

  • Overview of Tribal Provisions in P.L. 110-351
    Detailed description of the tribal provisions of Fostering Connection.
  • Tribal/State Title IV-E Intergovernmental Agreements: Facilitating Tribal Access to Federal Resources
  • Indian Child Welfare Act; Designated Tribal Agents for Service of Notice
    Federal Resource: This list of Indian Child Welfare Act; Designated Tribal Agents appeared in the Federal Register on Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
  • Connecting Children to their Native American Roots. Tribal Contact Lookup:
    Private Company Created Resource: Ayazuta. Provides up to date information on Tribal Contacts and additional resources for states to strengthen their notice of tribes in child welfare cases.
  • National Indian Child Welfare Association's Information on Customary Adoption
  • The Indian Extended Family and Its Relationship to Parenting
  • Traditional Native American Culture and Contemporary U.S. Society: A Comparison
  • Key Considerations and Best Practices for Tribal Title IV-E Data Collection and Reporting
    This report by Dr. Priscilla Day and Erin Geary provides an overview of the critical issues related to American Indian child welfare and data collection. It describes the data reporting requirements under Title IV-E. Drawing on the experiences of successful tribal agencies that have collected and reported data in an effective, culturally relevant way, it describes challenges, lessons learned and best practice related to child welfare data collection. It further provides an assessment tool for tribes to use to assess their readiness to implement Title IV-E services.
  • Trauma Exposure in American Indian/Alaskan Native Children
  • Transition Programs in Indian Country
    Provides an initial understanding of programs available to American Indian youth and services provided within American Indian communities.
  • Improving Access to Independent Living Services for Tribes and American Indian Youth.
    Describes how Tribes can access independent living services for Indian youth and be involved in the development of culturally appropriate services to assist Indian youth as they begin the transition from tribal and state foster care systems to adulthood.
  • Court Reform and American Indian and Alaskan Native Children: Increasing Protections and Improving Outcomes
    Description of court reforms related to handling of cases involving American Indian and Alaskan Native children.
  • "Green Book"- Child Welfare section
    The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee "Green Book" section on child welfare includes information on federal programs dedicated to child welfare purposes, including program requirements, spending and characteristics of children served.
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