Fostering Connections Resource Center

Many tools, analyses, research and reports have been developed on the various provisions of the Fostering Conections law that may be of help in implementation efforts. If you know of any resources that do not appear in our library, please send us an email at with the suggested resource, author and website URL for consideration.

Research & Reports

  • Child Welfare Outcomes 2003-2006: Report to Congress
    Child Welfare Outcomes 2003–2006: Report to Congress is a report created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (the Department) to meet requirements of section 203(a) of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (ASFA).1 ASFA amended section 479A of the Social Security Act to require an annual report on State performance. Child Welfare Outcomes 1998 was the first report created in the Child Welfare Outcomes series of reports.
  • Addressing the Unmet Educational Needs of Children and Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems
    Reviews educational barriers encountered by youth in the child welfare systems and describes recent legal and policy reforms. Includes promising practices and evidence-based interventions to improve educational outcomes.
  • Improving Educational Continuity and School Stability for Children in Out-of-Home Care
    This report highlights the most promising practices developed by the participating teams where the focus was on improving educational continuity and school stability; these strategies influenced systems change by enhancing the way information is exchanged across systems and by coordinating resources and advocacy around educational issues.
  • Reasonable Efforts to Preserve or Reunify Families and Achieve Permanency for Children
    A description of Reasonable Efforts as it applies to family reunification.
  • New Help for Children Raised by Grandparents and Other Relatives: Questions and Answers About the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
    This question and answer guide aims to ensure full and prompt implementation of the improvements in the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act for children being raised by grandparents and other relatives.
  • State Practices for Assessing Health Needs, Facilitating Service Delivery, and Monitoring Children's Care
    A report by the GAO on Foster Youth Health
  • Fostering Connections Aging Out Brief
  • Resources from the April 16h, 2010 Summit on Charting a Better Future for Youth
    Resources from the April 16th, 2010 Fostering Connections National Summit: Charting a Better Future for Youth hosted by the American Bar Association.
  • Review of State Policies and Programs to Support Young People Transitioning out of Foster Care
    The report addresses the findings of a national review of state programs for young people aging out of foster care.
  • Providing Federal Adoption Assistance to More Children with Special Needs: A Welcome Change
    This issue brief summarizes the following: the problems of the AFDC adoption assistance link; the new provision that removes the AFDC link; and what the child welfare community needs to do to take advantage of the law’s Maintenance of Effort provision (MoE), which requires states to continue their investments in child welfare services.
  • Adoption Incentive History 1998-2008
    Table presenting state-by-state receipt of adoption incentive awards from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, for each year from FY1998 through FY2008
  • In Focus: The Adoption Tax Credit
    This report provides an overview of the legislative history of the adoption tax credit and a detailed analysis of the tax credit with respect to existing law. The report also outlines key policy considerations and summarizes pending legislation to modify the tax credit.
  • Indian Child Welfare Act; Designated Tribal Agents for Service of Notice
    Federal Resource: This list of Indian Child Welfare Act; Designated Tribal Agents appeared in the Federal Register on Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
  • Connecting Children to their Native American Roots. Tribal Contact Lookup:
    Private Company Created Resource: Ayazuta. Provides up to date information on Tribal Contacts and additional resources for states to strengthen their notice of tribes in child welfare cases.
  • Key Considerations and Best Practices for Tribal Title IV-E Data Collection and Reporting
    This report by Dr. Priscilla Day and Erin Geary provides an overview of the critical issues related to American Indian child welfare and data collection. It describes the data reporting requirements under Title IV-E. Drawing on the experiences of successful tribal agencies that have collected and reported data in an effective, culturally relevant way, it describes challenges, lessons learned and best practice related to child welfare data collection. It further provides an assessment tool for tribes to use to assess their readiness to implement Title IV-E services.
  • Oklahoma Adoption Facts
    Summary of data and statistics regarding waiting children and children adopted from foster care.
  • A Carrot Among Sticks: The Adoption Incentive Bonus
    This report summarizes interviews with states and DC about what they are doing with their Adoption Incentive dollars, how they have responded/reacted to the Adoption Incentive program, and how they have reinvested these dollars.
  • What Works for Older Youth During the Transition to Adulthood
    This fact sheet examines the role that programs for older youth can play in promoting positive development and subsequent self-sufficiency in adulthood. It synthesizes the findings from 31 rigorous evaluations of programs; all of the programs evaluated youth outcomes during the transition to adulthood (ages 18 to 25), but programs varied in the ages of targeted youth.
  • ESEA Letter to Chairman Miller
    A letter from Rep. McDermott to Chairman Miller. The letter requests that the Chairman include language promoting educational stability for children in foster care in the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) .
  • Key Considerations for Implementing the Notice Requirement of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act
    This document outlines the components that are required by the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (Fostering Connections Act) in order for a state or tribe to comply with the Notification of Relatives Provision (Section 103) of the law.

National Resources

Research & Reports

  • Child Welfare Outcomes 2003-2006: Report to Congress
    Child Welfare Outcomes 2003–2006: Report to Congress is a report created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (the Department) to meet requirements of section 203(a) of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (ASFA).1 ASFA amended section 479A of the Social Security Act to require an annual report on State performance. Child Welfare Outcomes 1998 was the first report created in the Child Welfare Outcomes series of reports.
  • "Green Book"- Child Welfare section
    The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee "Green Book" section on child welfare includes information on federal programs dedicated to child welfare purposes, including program requirements, spending and characteristics of children served.
  • Addressing the Unmet Educational Needs of Children and Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems
    Reviews educational barriers encountered by youth in the child welfare systems and describes recent legal and policy reforms. Includes promising practices and evidence-based interventions to improve educational outcomes.
  • Improving Educational Continuity and School Stability for Children in Out-of-Home Care
    This report highlights the most promising practices developed by the participating teams where the focus was on improving educational continuity and school stability; these strategies influenced systems change by enhancing the way information is exchanged across systems and by coordinating resources and advocacy around educational issues.
  • Reasonable Efforts to Preserve or Reunify Families and Achieve Permanency for Children
    A description of Reasonable Efforts as it applies to family reunification.
  • New Help for Children Raised by Grandparents and Other Relatives: Questions and Answers About the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008
    This question and answer guide aims to ensure full and prompt implementation of the improvements in the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act for children being raised by grandparents and other relatives.
  • Strengthening Families Through Guardianship
    This publication provides a brief overview of guardianship and why it is important as a permanency option for children in foster care
  • Subsidized Guardianship: Testing the Generalizability of an Idea Whose Time Has Finally Come
    This powerpoint presentation provides an overview of the results of Tennessee's subsidized guardianship waiver
  • Child Welfare and Child Support: Working Together to Help Families
    Published by the Administration for Children and Families, this document provides advice on how child support and child welfare agencies can work together to identify family resources for children at risk of or in foster care
  • State Practices for Assessing Health Needs, Facilitating Service Delivery, and Monitoring Children's Care
    A report by the GAO on Foster Youth Health
  • Addressing the Health Care Needs of Foster Care Children
    This brief highlights a number of critical health concerns and policies impacting children in the foster care system.
  • Children in Foster Care: Challenges in meeting their health care needs through Medicaid
    An overview of the challenges of meeting the health care needs of foster youth through Medicaid.
  • Medicaid and Financing of Health Care for Children in Foster Care: Findings from a National Survey
    An overview of findings on Medicaid and Financing of Health care for Children In Foster Care
  • Protecting Children in Foster Care: Why Proposed Medicaid Cuts Harm Our Nation's Most Vulnerable Youth
    A report on medicaid cuts and the effects on youth in foster care
  • Lighthouse independent living program: Characteristics of youth served and their outcomes at discharge
    This study examined the outcomes of 455 young people who entered the Lighthouse Independent Living Program during the period 2001–2006.
  • Resources from the April 16h, 2010 Summit on Charting a Better Future for Youth
    Resources from the April 16th, 2010 Fostering Connections National Summit: Charting a Better Future for Youth hosted by the American Bar Association.
  • Guiding Principles for Implementation of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 Provisions Addressing Older Youth
    This document provides a set of principles regarding the essential elements of implementing the Fostering Connections provisions for older youth.
  • Extending Foster Care to Age 21: Benefits, Costs, and Opportunities for States
    This audioconference gives an overview of research conducted by Chapin Hall and others shows that foster youth who are allowed to stay care beyond age 18 -- when most states end guardianship -- are more likely to go to college and derive other benefits.
  • Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth
    The Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth (Midwest Study) is a prospective study following a sample of young people in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois as they make the transition from foster care to early adulthood. It provides a comprehensive picture of how foster youth are faring during this transition since the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 became law.
  • Continuing Foster Care Beyond 18: How Courts Can Help
    The study involved analysis of administrative data, a statewide survey of caseworkers, focus groups with substitute caregivers and with youth, and site visits to interview court personnel across the state. Findings indicate that strong advocacy within the juvenile court on behalf of foster youth plays a primary role in keeping youth in care.
  • Youth Transitioning from Foster Care: Background, Federal Programs and Issues for Congress
    This report summarizes the issues faced by young people when they leave foster care without safe, permanent families. Youth who spend their teenage years in foster care and age out are likely to face challenges in early adulthoold.
  • Review of State Policies and Programs to Support Young People Transitioning out of Foster Care
    The report addresses the findings of a national review of state programs for young people aging out of foster care.
  • When Should the State Cease Parenting? Evidence from the Midwest Study
    This Issue Brief discusses the potential benefits of allowing foster youth to remain in care past age 18. In particular, data from the Midwest Study suggest that allowing foster youth to remain in care past age 18 increases their likelihood of attending college and their likelihood of receiving independent living services after age 19. It may also increase earnings and delay pregnancy.
  • Children Discharged from Foster Care: Strategies to Prevent the Loss of Health Coverage at a Critical Transition
    Kaiser Family Foundation report on health of foster care children at transition time
  • Transition or Eviction: Youth Exiting Care for Independent Living
    This journal reviews promising strategies to support young adults leaving foster care.
  • Teen Pregnancy Prevention Among Youth in Foster Care
    This brief makes recommendations for how federal, state, and local governments can use provisions in the Fostering Connections Act to help young people in and transitioning out of foster care to get the education and health services they need to avoid teen pregnancy.
  • Fostering Connections to Success: Extending a Social Safety Net for Youths Facing Homelessness and Poverty
    A journal article on the Act's effect on older youth aging out of foster care.
  • Providing Federal Adoption Assistance to More Children with Special Needs: A Welcome Change
    This issue brief summarizes the following: the problems of the AFDC adoption assistance link; the new provision that removes the AFDC link; and what the child welfare community needs to do to take advantage of the law’s Maintenance of Effort provision (MoE), which requires states to continue their investments in child welfare services.
  • In Focus: The Adoption Tax Credit
    This report provides an overview of the legislative history of the adoption tax credit and a detailed analysis of the tax credit with respect to existing law. The report also outlines key policy considerations and summarizes pending legislation to modify the tax credit.
  • Adoption USA: A Chartbook Based on the 2007 National Survey of Adoptive Parents
    Findings from the 2007 National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP), the first-ever representative survey on the characteristics, adoption experiences, and well-being of adopted children and their families in the U.S.
  • A Report to Congress on Barriers and Success Factors in Adoptions from Foster Care: Perspectives of Families and Staff
    Results from two adoption studies: (1) surveys/interviews of families seeking to adopt children with special needs from foster care, as well as private and public agency adoption professionals, regarding barriers in the adoption process (the "Barriers" study); and (2) an investigation of factors influencing successful adoptions (the "Success Factors" study)
  • Ending the Foster Care Life Sentence: The Critical Need for Adoption Subsidies
    Results of a survey of nearly 250 parents who have adopted (or are considering adopting) children from foster care,on their experiences, including factors influencing their decisions to adopt, the impact of the adoption subsidy on the adoption, and other challenges/barriers with the adoption process.
  • Federal Income Tax Benefits for Adoption Use by Taxpayers 1999-2005
    An overview of the use of the federal adoption tax credit between 1999 and 2005.
  • Title IV-E Claims and Adoption Assistance Payments
    History of the federal adoption assistance program, national statistics and trends regarding the use of Title IV-E adoption assistance payments, and state-by-state data on adoption assistance claiming and subsidy amounts.
  • The Value of Adoption
    Summary of a cost-benefit analysis of foster care adoption, focusing on adoption's private and societal impacts. Explores foster care adoption as an intervention, and its cognitive and educational, health and mental health, behavioral, and economic effects on individuals and society.
  • Understanding Adoption Subsidies: An Analysis of AFCARS Data
    Analysis of AFCARS data from 1999-2001, showing national trends and state differences in use of adoption subsidies; the relationship between states' subsidy use and adoption outcomes; and the relationship between child, family, and state characteristics and subsidy levels and usage.
  • Overview of Tribal Provisions in P.L. 110-351
    Detailed description of the tribal provisions of Fostering Connection.
  • Tribal/State Title IV-E Intergovernmental Agreements: Facilitating Tribal Access to Federal Resources
  • Indian Child Welfare Act; Designated Tribal Agents for Service of Notice
    Federal Resource: This list of Indian Child Welfare Act; Designated Tribal Agents appeared in the Federal Register on Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
  • Connecting Children to their Native American Roots. Tribal Contact Lookup:
    Private Company Created Resource: Ayazuta. Provides up to date information on Tribal Contacts and additional resources for states to strengthen their notice of tribes in child welfare cases.
  • National Indian Child Welfare Association's Information on Customary Adoption
  • The Indian Extended Family and Its Relationship to Parenting
  • Traditional Native American Culture and Contemporary U.S. Society: A Comparison
  • Key Considerations and Best Practices for Tribal Title IV-E Data Collection and Reporting
    This report by Dr. Priscilla Day and Erin Geary provides an overview of the critical issues related to American Indian child welfare and data collection. It describes the data reporting requirements under Title IV-E. Drawing on the experiences of successful tribal agencies that have collected and reported data in an effective, culturally relevant way, it describes challenges, lessons learned and best practice related to child welfare data collection. It further provides an assessment tool for tribes to use to assess their readiness to implement Title IV-E services.
  • Trauma Exposure in American Indian/Alaskan Native Children
  • Transition Programs in Indian Country
    Provides an initial understanding of programs available to American Indian youth and services provided within American Indian communities.
  • Improving Access to Independent Living Services for Tribes and American Indian Youth.
    Describes how Tribes can access independent living services for Indian youth and be involved in the development of culturally appropriate services to assist Indian youth as they begin the transition from tribal and state foster care systems to adulthood.
  • Court Reform and American Indian and Alaskan Native Children: Increasing Protections and Improving Outcomes
    Description of court reforms related to handling of cases involving American Indian and Alaskan Native children.
  • The role of housing in the transition process of youth and young adults: A twenty-year perspective.
  • Needs and Demographics of Former Foster Youth Entering California's THP-Plus Program: Findings from the Statewide Participant-Tracking System
    The report provides the findings of an analysis of data collected from 1000 former foster youth who entered California's THP+ Housing Program with supportive services.
  • Securing Child Safety, Well-being, and Permanency Through Placement Stability in Foster Care
    Provides an overview of how to achieve successful placement stability within foster care.
  • Screening foster care children doubles detection rate of potential developmental problems
    The addition of a simple and systematic screening among children in foster care doubled the detection rate of developmental disabilities in a population that is at high risk for developmental problems. The University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) study published in Pediatrics in January 2010 shows that universal screening is feasible in a busy pediatric practice.
  • A Carrot Among Sticks: The Adoption Incentive Bonus
    This report summarizes interviews with states and DC about what they are doing with their Adoption Incentive dollars, how they have responded/reacted to the Adoption Incentive program, and how they have reinvested these dollars.
  • What Works for Older Youth During the Transition to Adulthood
    This fact sheet examines the role that programs for older youth can play in promoting positive development and subsequent self-sufficiency in adulthood. It synthesizes the findings from 31 rigorous evaluations of programs; all of the programs evaluated youth outcomes during the transition to adulthood (ages 18 to 25), but programs varied in the ages of targeted youth.
  • ESEA Letter to Chairman Miller
    A letter from Rep. McDermott to Chairman Miller. The letter requests that the Chairman include language promoting educational stability for children in foster care in the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) .
  • Key Considerations for Implementing the Notice Requirement of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act
    This document outlines the components that are required by the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (Fostering Connections Act) in order for a state or tribe to comply with the Notification of Relatives Provision (Section 103) of the law.