Fostering Connections Resource Center

Here you will find state and national tools, analyses and research related specifically to the Kinship/Guardianship provisions of the new Fostering Connections law. If you know of any resources that do not appear in our library, please send us an email at with the suggested resource, author and website URL for consideration.


  • ACYF-CB-PI-08-05
    A description of the provisions of Public Law 110-351 by the Children's Bureau.
  • Resources from CDF on policies and programs related to Fostering Connections Act
    An array of resources by the Children's Defense Fund on policies and programs related to the Fostering Connections Act.

National Resources


  • Summary and Section-by-Section Description of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (H.R. 6893)
    This memorandum provides a section-by-section overview of major provisions included in the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008.
  • Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoption Act of 2008: New Opportunities for Children in Foster Care and Beyond.
    This Powerpoint presentation provides an introduction to the new law, background on key provisions, the potential impact on children and families, and an information to guide implementation.
  • Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act: Implementation Issues and a Look Ahead at Additional Child Welfare Reforms
    This brief summarizes the Fostering Connections Act and examines implementation issues.
  • Summary by ACF/DHHS of the Title IV-E Child Welfare Waiver Demonstrations
    An overview of the Title IV-E Child Welfare Waiver Demonstrations submitted to the Administration for Children and Families.
  • Subsidized Guardianship: Testing the Generalizability of an Idea Whose Time Has Finally Come
    This powerpoint presentation provides an overview of the results of Tennessee's subsidized guardianship waiver
  • Resources from CLASP on policies and programs related to the Fostering Connections Act
    An array of resources by the Center for Law and Social Policy on policies and programs related to the Fostering Connections Act.
  • Resources from CWLA on policies and programs related to the Fostering Connections Act
    An array of resources by the Child Welfare League of America on policies and programs related to the Fostering Connections Act.
  • New guidance from Children's Bureau on Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program
    The Program Instruction, ACYF-CB-PI-10-01 issued on February 18, 2010, supersedes earlier instructions (ACYF-CB-PI-08-07 issued on December 24, 2008). This analysis describes the new PI. Under the new Program Instruction, states and tribes electing the KinGAP option and seeking to claim federal funding for children in guardianship arrangements prior to approval of the plan amendment must notify ACF of their plans to do so. They must submit a description to ACF explaining the process it will use to ensure that claims will only be submitted on behalf of children who meet all eligibility criteria for the KinGAP Program.
  • Resources from CDF on policies and programs related to Fostering Connections Act
    An array of resources by the Children's Defense Fund on policies and programs related to the Fostering Connections Act.