Fostering Connections Resource Center

Here you will find state and national tools, analyses and research related specifically to the Kinship/Guardianship provisions of the new Fostering Connections law. If you know of any resources that do not appear in our library, please send us an email at with the suggested resource, author and website URL for consideration.


  • A Guide to Using the Guardianship Assistance Agreement
    A guide to using the Guardianship Assistance Agreement created by Children's Defense Fund and ChildFocus.
  • Five Key Questions to Assess the Fiscal Impact of the Guardianship Assistance Program
    States are obligated to achieve permanence for children in foster care who cannot return home or be adopted. The new federal Guardianship Assistance Program (GAP) can help states achieve permanence, particularly for those children living with relatives.
  • Guardianship Assistance Program Checklist
    A checklist for implementing a Guardian Assistance Program.
  • Identification of and Notice to Relatives Checklist
    A checklist for implementing relative notification.
  • Making the Case for the Guardianship Assistance Program
    Information on fiscal and permanency outcomes in regards to implementing Guardianship Assistance Programs.
  • Sample Guardianship Assistance Agreement
    A sample guardianship assistance agreement for states to use.
  • Myths and Facts Related to the Use of Guardianship Assistance Programs
    Some myths and facts about Guardianship Assistance Programs.
  • Sample Notice Letter
    A sample letter of relative notification.
  • Key Considerations for Implementing the Notice Requirement of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act
    This publication outlines the law's requirements with respect to providing notice of placement to relatives within 30 days of a child's removal from the custody of a parent. It also covers key considerations for states and tribes implementing this provision.
  • Sample State Legislation on Federal Kinship Guardianship Assistance Option
    This sample legislation outlines the components that are required by the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 in order for a state or tribe to operate a federally supported kinship guardianship assistance program.
  • The Grandfamilies State Law and Policy Resource Center Website
    A national legal resource created to educate individuals about state laws and legislation in support of grandfamilies and to assist interested state legislators, advocates, caregivers, attorneys, and other policymakers in exploring policy options to support relatives and the children in their care both within and outside the child welfare system.
  • State Child Welfare Policy Database: Kinship Care
    A website with state-by-state policy information about kinship care. Visitors can view individual state policies and compare one state's policies to those of other states.
  • Understanding the Child Welfare System in California: A guide for Service Providers and Policymakers
    Understanding the Child Welfare System in California: A Primer for Service Providers and Policymakers was first released in 2002, and this updated edition serves the same fundamental purpose as the original publication—to provide local and state leaders and service providers a concise overview of the public institutions, laws, funding streams, and key issues that one must understand to successfully navigate, serve, and improve California's child welfare system.

National Resources
