Fostering Connections Resource Center

Here you will find state and national tools, analyses and research related specifically to the Training provisions of the new Fostering Connections law. If you know of any resources that do not appear in our library, please send us an email at with the suggested resource, author and website URL for consideration.


There are no available Tools resources for Alaska.

National Resources


  • Comprehensive overview of ACF-PI-10-11
    This powerpoint presentation is a comprehensive overview of PI-10-11. ACF-PI-10-11 provides title IV-E agencies comprehensive information on the provisions of titles IV-B and IV-E as a result of the amendments made by the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, P.L. 110-351. In addition to providing new guidance on the option for a title IV-E agency to extend assistance for the foster care maintenance, adoption assistance, and/or kinship guardianship programs to an eligible youth age 18 and older up to age 21, this instruction provides additional guidance on the other provisions of P.L. 110-351 and the flexibilities afforded to a title IV-E agency in complying with the law. This instruction also provides instruction on changes to the titles IV-B/IV-E plan requirements as a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148).
  • Children's Bureau Child Welfare Policy Manual: Title IV-E Training
    The Child Welfare Policy Manual includes several new Q & A regarding the new training opportunities provided by the Fostering Connections Act.
  • WEBINAR: Fostering Connections Through Education and Transportation
    The powerpoint presentation from the July 13th webinar on Fostering Connections through Education and Transportation hosted by the Fostering Connections Resource Center in conjunction with the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law.
  • WEBINAR: Fostering Connections through Kinship / Guardianship
    The powerpoint presentation from the June 17th webinar on Fostering Connections through Kinship / Guardianship hosted by the Fostering Connections Resource Center in conjunction with the Children's Defense Fund and ChildFocus.
  • WEBINAR: Fostering Connections and Health
    The slideshow presentation from the 9/21/10 webinar on Fostering Connections and Health.
  • WEBINAR: Two Years Since Fostering Connections, Older Youth Provisions
    On October 7, 2010, the Fostering Connections Resource Center, together with FosterClub, the National Conference of State Legislatures, The Finance Project, the John Burton Foundation and Fostering Media Connections hosted a webinar to mark the 2 year anniversary of the Fostering Connections Act, with a special emphasis on the older youth provisions.
  • WEBINAR: Fiscal Impact of Extending Foster Care to 21
    The powerpoint presentation from the April 27th, 2010 webinar on The Net Fiscal Impact of Extending Foster Care to 21 hosted by the Fostering Connections Resource Center in conjunction with with The Finance Project and the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative.
  • WEBINAR: Designing Foster Care to 21
    A powerpoint presentation from the Feb 8, 2010 webinar on how to design foster care to age 21 hosted by the Fostering Connections Resource Center in conjunction with The Finance Project and the National Foster Care Coalition.
  • WEBINAR: Transition Planning Training-of-Trainers for Young Leaders
    On October 21, FosterClub and held a webinar to provide training for young leaders in how to help youth transition from foster care succesfully. Participants were awarded certificates. The following materials related to the webinar can be found below.
  • WEBINAR: Fostering Connections Through Adoptions
    A powerpoint presentation from the April 15, 2010 webinar on the Adoption Provision of the Act hosted by the Fostering Connections Resource Center in conjunction with the North American Council on Adoptable Children.
  • WEBINAR: Supporting Tribal Child Welfare through a Better Understanding of the Opportunities under Fostering Connections
    The power-point presentation from the August 12th, 2010 Webinar, hosted by Fostering Connections Resource Center in conjunction with the National Indian Child Welfare Agency.
  • WEBINAR - New Title IV-E Tools for Tribes to Take Advantage of Opportunities Under Fostering Connections
    The slide show presentation from the August 10th Webinar on New Title IV-E Tools for Tribes to Take Advantage of Opportunities Under Fostering Connections, hosted by the Fostering Connections Resource Center in conjunction with the National Indian Child Welfare Association.
  • Title IV-E Plan Pre-print
    The attached pre-print from the Children's Bureau incorporates the statutory provisions of P.L. 110-351 that are effective through FY 2010